Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Stuff MY MOM says...

For my mom's birthday the other day, the family headed to the beach. Which, doesn't sound particular special, especially when you live about 2 miles from one. But, as most Floridians will attest, the closer you are, the less you go.

So, we're at the beach and my mom is reading a particularly horrid looking book....just one of those "she has a secret! but, poor girl, she's too scared to get close to anyone. and then she befriends an old woman. Nothing really happens, but still...It's the summer that will change both their lives FOR-EVER!" Boring for me, but something I imagine older ladies to gobble up like Twilight.

I took it out of her hands and examined it. "How do you like it?" I asked.

She turned to me, put her sunglasses down and said, "What do I think? I think they should sell a gun with it to put us out of our misery."

Looks like she'll be reading Twilight next.


  1. too funny! And, I just love the way you tell a story!

  2. Best quote ever. Almost as good as the one about kids and dogs...
